Live Experiences

2020: Salt Lake City Dynamite

My first live professional wrestling show! At the time I knew barely anything about professional wrestling and was just there because it was a thing to do with my friends. It was one of the things that really got me into wrestling. Private Party and Nyla Rose really stood out to me at the time and I've been fans of them since!

Maybe my favorite memory of the night was when a group of girls sitting in front of us turned around and asked us to help them start a Wardlow chant. At the time, I wasn't watching the TV show so I didn't really understand who he was or why they were obsessed with him but it's very funny in hindsight.

2023: Salt Lake City Colission/RoH Taping

I went to this with a childhood friend who hadn't watched wrestling in years. We had a ton of fun! Now that I watch the shows week to week it was fun seeing the characters I like IRL.

As an FTR hater it was incredible watching Ricky Starks and Big Bill win the tag titles off them. I was totally expecting them to just be fed to FTR! Big Bill obliterating the announce desk by slamming one of the FTR guys through it ruled. The Bullet Club Gold vs the luchadors match was also a lot of fun. Angelico twisting The Gunns into pretzles was great. It was also pretty cool seeing Luchasaurus as a heel after seeing him as a face back in 2020.

We didn't end up staying for most of the RoH taping just because it was so late but the couple matches I did see were good. Lady Frost is mega underrated!